Change your nervous system, change your life.


My nervous system retraining service offers powerful insights into your health by examining how your autonomic nervous system balances your brain and body to regulate crucial functions like heart rate, immune function, digestion, and brain function, plus recommendations on how to optimise its function, paying particular attention to the vagus nerve.

Why Retrain Your Nervous System?

Your body's nervous system acts as a vital bridge, acting as a conduit for information to every part of your body and playing a crucial role in maintaining your overall health and well-being. At the core of this intricate network lies the autonomic nervous system (ANS), a sophisticated communication system that regulates essential functions such as heart rate, digestion, immune response, and breathing without conscious effort.

Imagine the ANS as a master conductor, seamlessly coordinating the symphony of bodily functions to keep everything in harmony. It's like the behind-the-scenes director of a complex play, ensuring that every actor knows their role and timing. If something isn’t working well in your nervous system, then it has the potential to affect EVERYTHING else.

Almost every chronic condition or disease state that you can think of is associated with suboptimal ANS function, and specifically issues with the vagus nerve working suboptimally. I’m talking autoimmune disease, Type 2 Diabetes, heart disease, blood pressure issues, mood and emotional regulation disorders, cancer, allergies, chronic pain… the list goes on but I think you get the picture. If you want an answer to the question of what the root cause is for your chronic health condition or mysterious illness, then understanding how your ANS functions is a great place to start.

Through ANS assessment, I can delve deeper into how your body adapts to stressors and challenges. This insight enables me to work with you to develop targeted interventions to address potential concerns and support overall well-being through retraining your nervous sytstem.

In essence, my assessment service empowers you with the tools to decode the language of your body's nervous system, enabling you to take proactive steps towards optimizing your health and vitality. By harnessing the power of ANS assessment, you can unlock a deeper understanding of your body's inner workings and pave the way towards a healthier, more balanced life.

Why Measure Heart Rate Variability (HRV) and Respiratory Rate?

Heart rate variability (HRV) and respiratory rate are key metrics that reflect the performance of your autonomic nervous system. By examining these indicators, I can gain a comprehensive understanding of how your body responds to stressors and recovers from them:

  • HRV measures the variation in time and power output between consecutive heartbeats. A high HRV indicates that your ANS is responsive and adaptable, while a low HRV may suggest an imbalance or heightened stress levels. The state of your ANS alludes to how other organs and systems in the body are functioning.

  • Respiratory rate gauges the number of breaths you take per minute, providing insight into your overall health and wellness. Changes in respiratory rate can indicate how your body is coping with different situations, including stress, exercise, and relaxation.

Experience a Holistic Approach to Nervous System Health

My assessment of your nervous system goes beyond simply providing data points. I use a holistic approach that combines technology with expert analysis to give you a comprehensive understanding of how your brain and body work together through the autonomic nervous system. From there, I can work with you on a strategy to improve these metrics for greater overall well-being or to achieve a specific health goal by providing:

  1. Comprehensive Analysis: My service starts with a thorough assessment of your heart rate variability and respiratory rate, giving us valuable insights into your ANS function.

  2. Personalised Insights: Using the data gathered, I will provide tailored recommendations on how to improve the activity of your vagus nerve, or increase vagal tone, through targeted and actionable feedback. This might include stress management techniques and relaxation exercises, but won’t necessarily be limited to these kinds of interventions. There are so many things you can do to support your nervous system!

    I will also provide this information in written form so that you can take it home, pin it up somewhere that you’ll see it and refer back to it as needed.

Why Choose To Work With Me on Retraining Your Nervous System?

A nervous system assessment is one of the fastest and most accurate broad spectrum indicators of general wellbeing. While it won’t give you the nuance that blood testing and other data gathering techniques do, it will provide an excellent starting point for understanding not only the state of your health, but what you can do to improve it..

I’ll be honest though: it’s no magic bullet solution, like many pills, meaning that the effects of nervous system retraining are often gradual. Occasionally, they can be experienced quickly, in a matter of hours or days but mostly they will take place over a period of a few weeks to months. The length of time it takes depends on how your nervous system is functioning at starting point and how consistently you work on it. So yes, it takes time and it takes work on your behalf. But, there are none of the negative side effects often seen with medications, either short or long term. Retraining your nervous system to operate in a more optimal state is beneficial to all aspects of your health and wellbeing.


  • Working with Lou Chalmer has done wonders for both my physical and mental health. Thanks to her and the Heartmath program, my ability to handle my stress, anxiety and emotions has done a complete turnaround. I can highly recommend Lou and the Heartmath program.

    Alexander Strachan