Food that works for you.


Functional nutrition harnesses the power of whole foods to target the underlying causes of chronic health issues, providing your body with the nutrients it needs to heal and thrive. By personalising your diet based on your unique needs, this approach can help you achieve optimal well-being, supporting everything from digestion and energy levels to mental health and immunity.

Experience the Power of Food via Functional Nutrition

You probably already know that food is an important aspect of your health but what I’m guessing you might not know is that it, along with movement, emotions and mood, sleep, and toxins in your environment, can have long-term effects on how your genes are expressed.

By choosing nutrient-dense whole foods, you provide your body with the vitamins, minerals, and antioxidants it needs to function at its best. For example, consuming leafy greens, berries, fatty fish, and high quality red meats can support brain health and lower inflammation, leading to improved cognitive function and resilience against chronic diseases. We can also take this one step further through conducting a comprehensive genetic test which will provide information about how we can create dietary patterns in alignment with your genetics.

We can also work together to develop a functional nutrition strategy that helps you achieve specific goals. If you have an event or competition coming up, we can work on improving both your physical performance and recovery through nutrition. We can also use testing to ensure that your nutrition strategy is giving you the results that you’re looking for so that we can make any adjustments as needed.

If you have allergies or food intolerances, we can work out a plan for overcoming them. This is more than likely to be a multi-faceted approach, but may include supplementation or modification of your current diet based on your genetics and/or blood biomarker testing.

By addressing your specific needs, I help you find the right balance of whole foods to nourish your body and mind.

Foster a Connection to Nature and Food Systems

My approach prioritizes regenerative agriculture, promoting biodiversity and soil health while ensuring the quality and nutritional value of your food. By choosing locally sourced, organic foods, you not only support your health but also contribute to a healthier planet. Imagine enjoying farm-fresh produce from your local farmers' market or savouring pasture-raised meats, all while knowing you are making a positive impact on the environment.

In saying that, I understand that regenerative produce and meat is not always accessible or affordable for everyone. I can help you find the best options within your budget and other constraints to optimise the nutrition that you get from your food without it contributing to the detrimental environmental effects of conventional agriculture.

Why Work With Me?

While most of my work is now focused in the human health and wellbeing space, I am also an agroecologist and farmer. I’ve been a part of healthy, regenerative food and agriculture systems my whole life. This means that I have a deep and comprehensive understanding of how food is produced and the role that different farming practices can have on the health of the foods that we eat, which in turn affects our own health. I’m also a deep believer that food nourishes not only the body but also the soul. I can give you helpful tips about sourcing food that really is good for you and provide you with recipes and tricks to make everything that you cook taste delicious.